For Department or School
The school and/or primary appointing department of the faculty candidate initiate the tenure process and eventually will close out the process once it is complete. The department or school liaison not only will follow the status of the process throughout the university but also submits the dossier materials according to all current policies procedures and requirements. Assists deans, chairs and committees with questions and contacting external evaluators, and any other special inquiries to the Provost or APT committee or Faculty Affairs Administration Office.
Summary of Grants (Template)
Create a folder for the digital publications/contributions provided by the candidate. *When naming .pdf documents, leave out all special characters and abbreviate names to keep them to a twenty-five character minimum
if applicable
The unit will be asked to submit current CVs for these individuals to the APT committee in order to provide some additional basis for comparison of the candidate to their colleagues (in addition to rankings provided by the Dean or Chair). Please create this as a separate folder and name the CVs by the last names of the faculty.