Preparation of Dean's Materials for Dossier

Revised March 2023


Dear Provost  

I transmit to you the recommendation that      be appointed/promoted to the rank of Associate Professor/Professor (with tenure), in the department/school of  ____________                                             .

Comments on candidate’s strengths and weaknesses provided by review committee: Candidate's contribution to the discipline's ongoing intellectual agenda:

Candidate’s broad field and subfield; evidence concerning whether or not these fields continue to be intellectually vibrant and promising of important contributions:

Cross-disciplinary research areas, applied areas, and/or methodologies from different disciplines that are relevant to this candidate’s work:

(For External Hires) Context and nature of search process, current status of recruitment efforts:

Issues in faculty committee report:

Issues in department chair's report:

Dean’s critical perspective and independent recommendation:



Revised March 2023


Dear Provost _______

I transmit to you the recommendation that ____________ be appointed/promoted to the rank of                   Professor (with tenure), in the school of                 .

Comments on the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses provided by the review committee:

Candidate’s contribution to the discipline’s ongoing intellectual agenda:

Candidate’s broad field and subfield; evidence concerning whether or not these fields continue to be intellectually vibrant and promising:

Cross-disciplinary research areas, applied areas, and/or methodologies from different disciplines that are relevant to this candidate’s work:

Candidate’s teaching effectiveness including quality and development over time and comparison to other instructors in the School:

Candidate as a department, university, and professional citizen:

Procedures followed during candidate’s evaluation:

Comments on any issues in faculty committee report:

Summary of faculty deliberations during the School’s faculty meeting, including both favorable comments and concerns expressed:

Description of School’s voting policy:




Absentee Ballots


















Dean’s critical perspective and independent recommendation:

Required Supplementary Information: (to be appended to report or as separate pdf documents in the folder)  

  • Copy of reappointment summary (for internal tenure candidates) 
  • Six suggestions of additional arms-length evaluators, with institutional affiliations, email addresses, and brief bios.




Include six suggestions evaluators with addresses and brief bios


Required for internal tenure candidates only